The robot industry in the Yangtze River Delta leads the country

06/05/2021 21:19:19 人气:

"At present, China's robot market has entered to  a period of rapid growth. From the perspective of regional development, the total sales revenue of robots in the Yangtze River Delta in 2018 exceeded 12.4 billion yuan, ranking first in the national robotics industry cluster." 

During the 2019 World Robot Conference, China The "China Robot Industry Development Report 2019" issued by the Institute of Electronics (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") pointed out that in 2019, the scale of China's robot market is expected to reach 8.68 billion U.S. dollars, with an average growth rate of 20.9% from 2014 to 2019. According to the "Report", the development level of the robot industry in various regions of my country is not the same. The Yangtze River Delta region has the strongest foundation in the development of my country's robot industry, the Pearl River Delta region has gradually developed and expanded, and the development foundation of the robot industry in the central and western regions is relatively weak, but Has shown considerable potential for late development. 

The Yangtze River Delta region: leading the country in terms of industrial scale efficiency   

The Yangtze River Delta region has outstanding location development advantages, with dense roads, railways, bridges and ports, a well-developed flow of production factors, and a good manufacturing development foundation and industrial supporting environment. It has always been a reform Open bridgeheads and forward positions.  

The "Report" shows that in 2018, the total sales revenue of robots in the Yangtze River Delta exceeded 12.4 billion yuan, ranking first in the country's robotics industry cluster area. In the field of service robots, the Yangtze River Delta region has many well-known brands at home and abroad, covering key technical links such as sensors, machine vision, speech and semantic understanding, human-computer interaction, and gradually exploring innovative business application models. "The proportion of robot body R&D and production companies in the Yangtze River Delta is the first in the country's industrial clusters, and they are gradually getting rid of the traditional development model that uses system integration as the main source of operating income." 

The rate is leading the whole country, indicating that the penetration of independent technology has been further strengthened in the core parts of robots, especially the reducer. In addition, the proportion of revenue from high-end products in the Yangtze River Delta region does not have a ranking advantage in the country. The main reason is that the total sales revenue in the region is relatively large. Although the absolute value of high-end product revenue is considerable, the relative value is not prominent. 

Pearl River Delta Region: The pace of "machine substitution" is accelerating

The manufacturing industry in the Pearl River Delta region started early. In the 1970s, a small-scale processing and manufacturing industry cluster was formed. After more than 40 years of development, it has now formed a high-end equipment Labor-intensive industrial clusters represented by manufacturing, home appliance manufacturing, food packaging, 3C manufacturing, and ceramic production. The "Report" pointed out that in recent years, with the continuous increase in labor cost pressure, manufacturing enterprises in the Pearl River Delta region tend to reduce human resource input by accelerating the pace of "machine substitution", which provides a potential market for the application of robot products.  

The "Report" shows that the total sales revenue of robot products in the Pearl River Delta region reached 10.85 billion yuan in 2018, of which Shenzhen topped the list with 6.7 billion yuan sales revenue, followed by Foshan, Guangzhou and Dongguan. However, the scale of robot companies in the Pearl River Delta is mostly small and medium-sized enterprises. The number of leading companies with an annual income of more than 100 million yuan is relatively limited, and the overall industrial concentration is about 28%. 

Central and Western Regions: The advantages of latecomers are becoming more and more obvious

The robot industry in my country's central and western regions started late and has a relatively weak foundation, but has shown considerable potential for latecomer. In Wuhan, Changsha, Wuhu, Luoyang, Xiangtan and other places Gradually form industrial clusters.

The "Report" pointed out that the industrial scale of the central region is large but not strong. In 2018, the total revenue of robot sales in the central region has exceeded 6.2 billion yuan, maintaining a continuous growth trend. However, due to the interactive influence of factors such as rising costs of raw materials, parts and labor, the profit space of the robotics industry in the central region has been further compressed. The average sales profit margin for this year is only about 10.5%, temporarily lagging behind other regions in the country. The added value of products and services is urgently needed. improve. 

Similarly, most of the western regions are in my country's inland regions, and they are late in connecting with the international market. The equipment manufacturing market is lagging behind. Although the scale is large but lacks core competitiveness, the production efficiency of enterprises is average and the enthusiasm is limited, which directly affects the level of local economic development and People's life.  

The "Report" believes that the robotics industry, as a strong pivot for the development of high-end manufacturing, provides good cornering and overtaking conditions for the development of the manufacturing industry and economic take-off in the western region. Data show that in 2018, the total sales revenue of robots in the western region exceeded over 5 billion mark, and it is expected to maintain a sustained growth trend in the future.